b' Self-CirculationAllow Library patrons the ability to Check-in or Checkout materials. Document Link Many G4 Libraries are now using this capability to assist staff or in the absents of staff in the library. Patrons can assist their selves to Circulate materials in or out and even Renew items. We can put you in touch with a library using Self Circulation successfully.Self-circulation can use any PC, Mac, or Tablet device for this purpose.Call LRMS to discuss the use of this Free option further.Visit Help at www.lrms.com Circulation ManagementG4 How to Manage and Use the Self-Circulation. Borrower ID Cards printing has been updated: see Create Labels, ID Cards Did you know that printing these cards uses Business card stock of 10 cards to a sheet as G4s standard? Very inexpensive method to create ID Cards. Now you can add a jpeg (jpg) image as a Logo to all cards being printed or an image to a tagged Borrower ID for producing a Personal ID card or Bus rider ID. Personal photographs can also be used provide the photo is identified to their same ID Number.Circulation Reporting/Circulation Activities: see Reports Management We have added the cost of the collection item (provided cost is within the holdings) to all of these available reports. oDid you know of these Useful reports for evaluating Activity! Circulation Checked Out (See whats been checked out in detail) Circulation Checked in (See what has been returned in detail) Circulation Due in (want a detail report of whats due in?) Always check your printer settings,Most technology support are unaware of our current and future cloud printing requirements: LRMS Technical Web services Link Printers can be replaced or renamed or addressed, LRMS does supply the software interface TSPrint software with assistance and instruction for managing printers. This interface is essential to provide printing capabilities to each administrative workstation computer. Thinking of or doing a Physical Inventory? This might be the time to consider getting your collections in balance, call us if you would like to discuss doing an inventory? Reference this Help Document Link G4 Genesis Help Guides 15'